Saturday, September 10, 2011

School is in!

Well school is in now! For me I am having so much fun being back at school! I don't really know why thought. I hope all of you are having a good time being back to. I have learned so much over the past 2 weeks and not just things about academics but how to survive middle school. Well I am going to go bike and enjoy this day. You all should to!!
                                                 By Anna Marie

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer and School

Sorry we have not blogged in a while just many fun things to do and lots of just laying down and reading. I hope you all are having a great summer cause we sure are! I have read so so many books and been outside for so long!! You all should be reading and playing outside a lot to. Well school is starting up soon and there is lots of preparation to do to be ready and the most exciting thing find out who your teacher(s) are!!! I found mine out a few days ago and am so excited! When you fined out who your teacher(s) are it is so exciting but it also shows that very soon school will be starting. Got 2 go see you later!
                                                            Love Anna Marie

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Break

Sorry I have not blogged in a while. It has been busy getting everything ready so we can mostly relax over spring break. Also I will  be training like crazy to prepare for an ice skating competition. Post more latter.

                                                  By Anna Marie Malay

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bloging Class

Now I am sitting in a bloging class with my teacher Miss. Burnham. I am all ready learning some new thing that I will use on my familys blog!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Half day, long weekend, yeah!

Today at school was a half day and Monday we have off. So we get an extra long weekend. I had a great week. And I hope you all had a great week and a great weekend. Spring is coming soon. It is getting pretty warm outside just a little windy. I was out there not to long ago today. Enjoy the weather!

                                           By Anna Marie

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

Horray we have a snow day! Wow I have never seen so much snow in my life! In some places the snow was way taller than me! My family and I built some snow forts and my sister and I made some chairs and a table in the snow. Hope you enjoy these pictures of us!

Have a great snow day!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The krate kid movies

Both the krate kid movies where really good! I do not know witch one I like better. They both had the same sort of story but the older one well had older things in it but still really good and the new one was more now day stuff and when they moved it the new one they spoke a different language to where he moved to and the other one same language. You guys should maybe  try to see it.    

                              By Anna Marie Malay

Friday, January 21, 2011

Weekend,movies and fun!

Long weekend now. Horray! I was totally ready for it. Just relaxing and lots of reading for me! I hope all of you guys just have fun. Tonight we are going to watch the new krate kid. We watched the old one a few days ago, it was pretty good. I liked it. Well it movie time soon! I will blog more later.